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Abundant Life Academy 2020-21 Academic Calendar

Abundant Life Academy
390 Washington Ave.Nutley, NJ 07110


September 3 First Day of School, Noon Dismissal (No Aftercare) Marking Period 1 Begins
September 7 School Closed for Labor Day
September 14 Back To School Night 7PM
September TBA Picture Day
September 23

“See You At The Pole”

October 12 School Closed Columbus Day
October TBA School is Closed for Teacher’s Convention
October TBA Spelling Contest
November 6 Marking Period 1 Ends
November 9 Marking Period 2 Begins
November 13 Report Cards Distributed
November TBA Scholastic Book Fair
November 16 & 17 Parent/Teacher Conference
November 22-24

High School DC Conference
(11th & 12th Grades)

November 25

1⁄2 Day, Noon Dismissal
Thanksgiving Program & Feast
(NO Aftercare)

November 26 & 27 School Closed for Thanksgiving Break
December TBA Preliminary Geography Bee
December TBA Christmas Concert 7PM (PreK - 4th)
December TBA

Christmas Concert 7PM (5 th -12 th )

December 22 ˝ Day, Noon Dismissal Christmas Celebration (NO Aftercare)
Dec 23 to Jan 1 Christmas Break No School
January 4 - 29 Kindness Challenge Begins
January 6 Open House 6PM
January 13 1⁄2 Day In­Service, Noon Dismissal
January 18 School Closed for Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. B-Day
January 22 Marking Period 2 Ends
January 25 Marking Period 3 Begins
January 27 Kindness Challenge Awards Assembly
January 29 Report Cards Distributed
February 3 Open House 6PM
February 10

1⁄2 Day Prof. Dev., Noon Dismissal

February TBA Bible Competition
February 12- 15 School Closed for President’s Day
February 26 Multicultural Celebration
March 3 Open House 6PM
March 10 1⁄2 Day Prof. Dev., Noon Dismissal
March 19 Night of Dynamite 7PM
March 26 Marking Period 3 ends
March TBA Applebee's Fund Raiser
March 29 Marking Period 4 begins
April 1 Bible Dress Up Day
April 2- 9 School Closed for Easter/Spring Break
April 14 Open House 6PM
April 16 Report Cards Distributed
April 19-23 IOWA’s Testing
May 3 - 27 Month of “Readers Are Leaders” Begins
May 5 Open House 6PM
May 6

National Day of Prayer

May TBA Art Festival
May TBA Book Fair
May 28 &31 School Closed for Memorial Day
June 1 Spring Concert
1:30 PM K3 - 4th Grades
6:30 PM 5th - 12th Grades
June 4

Marking Period 4 Ends

June 7 JHS/HS Graduate’s Trip (8th & 12th)
June 11 Olympic Day
June 14 HS and JH Graduation
(Last Day 8th & 12th)
June 15 Kindergarten Graduation (Last Day K5)
June 16 1⁄2 Day Promotion Day (No Aftercare)
June 28 Summer Academy begins
  UPDATED 7/30/20
  Printable Version
(Schedule Subject to Change)
*In-service ½ days are subject to change due to scheduling. AfterCare is available for an additional fee.
**Dress Down Days are scheduled for the last Friday of every month.

ALA Uses RenWeb

RenWeb is a school management solution that embraces the varied needs of administration, staff, teachers, parents and students.


This next-generation school management software makes it possible for parents to become authorized users who have instant access to student information by connecting via the web. Parents and students can access grades, homework, school calendars, and other helpful classroom information from any Internet connection. Parents feel "in the loop" and can initiate communication easily through RenWeb.  Students can learn to use RenWeb to confirm homework assignments and manage their own academic success.


390 Washington Avenue, Nutley, New Jersey 07110. AbundantLifeAcademy.net © 2018. Contact us